The Kolel offers a number of projects enabling contributors to have tangible link with its activities.

Tomech Torah Sponsorship. Support one student for one week- £180 or for one month- £650 (cost could be spread over year). You may choose which name you wish to dedicate and apply it to the week or month of your choice.

Netziv Yom Patrons. Defray the cost of maintaining the Kolel for one day in the year. They may select a Yahrzeit as a token of respect for a departed relative or as a tribute to someone near and dear. An illuminated plaque records their Day of Honour and the Torah study of all our Rabbonim is individually designated to their good name.

A Memorial Tablet may be inscribed for permanent display.

Kaddish. Arrangements can be made for Kaddish to be said.

A Scholarship endowment will enable a student to qualify as a Rabbi, Dayan, Yeshiva head or a Director of Jewish education.
Contact us and we will be happy to provide further details and available dates on request. All contributions can be made by Tax Saving facilities at greatly reduced cost to the Donor.